Monday, October 13, 2008


I recently had a heart-rending discussion with my loved one where I inflicted quite a bit of emotional pain by my verbal volley. We all are capable, nay doers, of such acts at some point or other in our lives. The loved ones at the receiving end change - that's all!

Why do we act or behave in such a way? What inspires us? Our frustrations? Our fears? Our inability to communicate in a timely fashion? Maybe all. But, does that give us a permit to lash out at our loved ones? Definitely not. Does that hurt like hell? You bet! Then why do we do it?

The only solace (if you may call it that) is that we feel guilty after it all. Maybe we repent too! We tender apology too. Does that lessen the hurt? Definitly NOT. It can never. The only thing is that the person understands that we understood!

It is a strange word relationship. Ever tried breaking it? Relation and ship. It is apt that we call it that. I believe any relation is a faceless, even meaningless, a bond inflicted by destiny and luck. But, it is through our collective wants and deeds, that we convert the relation to a relationship.

Relationship can be with anyone. Grandparents, parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, friends even! But, important thing to note is that these are all relations. Many faceless and some meaningless. They turn into the ship mode only when we along with the other person start spending time with each other and start sharing a bond - when we travel in the same boat! Only with timely contributions to it, we turn that boat into a prospering ship. We are fellow travellers on a voyage of life. Only when we row together, that the ship will move - first slowly and then, at the speed of knots. The voyage can last a few days, months or even a lifetime. Doesn't matter!

That brings me to the starting point. Why do we inflict such pain on our loved ones. The fact is that, when we do, we forget that we need these fellow travellers on this ship of life. We need them so that we can row this boat together. Without them, you and this lonely ship of life won't be able to move an inch - forget about travelling to destinations at speeds of knots!

Only if I and those of you like me knew it when we should have....

Bon voyage!


Rashu said...

Awesome !! Very true concept of relationship in life :) euvkov

Anonymous said...

very true n very practical views..everyone wanna save this sinking ship call 'relationship'.. so all need bound of relations