Our state's politicians have gone crazy as they normally do - this time with their illegitimate censorship of free expression (by the way, this is a fundamental right of an Indian citizen guaranteed by the Indian Constitution of which these very politicians are the guardians... really?!!). All because WE have allowed goondas to come to power. We allowed them to legitimately claim their illegitimate right to be where they are. So, we must suffer for our transgressions!
We will be held guilty (for our own rights assertion!) before their illegitimate courts and justice will be dispensed as per their will. You and I - the normal and average common man and woman - will be submitting to them as always since we are incredibly guilty of either being corrupt ourselves (selling our dignity to these very hooligans) or then we are incredibly careless about our lives or then we are incredibly indifferent to our state of living!
We get the government we deserve. We cannot blame our governors for being corrupt when we have sold ourselves - our soul and importantly, our votes! We cannot accuse of nepotism because we voted for it! We cannot accuse of non-constitution-adherence as we have allowed these illegitimates to get elected. Now, they will rule us. And they are ruling. Even when they are not elected, they will rule with their own takes on what is allowed/decent/moral through their very 'able' sons and daughters! And then there are those wannabes who will disrupt your fundamental rights because they have offered us an illegitimate share in their corrupt plunder by division of society according to more and more importantly unimportant castes .... (sic).
We have only us to blame. We are corrupt. We are silent. We are a bane to the word 'civilisation' and a shame to that revered word 'Aryan'! We are not civilised. That's a myth. We are not educated. That's a WHITE LIE. And NO we are NOT MORAL by any standards .....
I wish Gandhi, Gautam, Shivaji, Ranjit Singh and Thorla Bajirao were not born here. They would and should have had more proud inheritors of their legacy ... alas!
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